merlin the wizard  
As I enter my fourth year at University, I can finally say that I have lived in a city for 3 years, completed a Bachelor of Creative Arts, become a hoarder of art supplies and thrift store vintage Pyrex, prairie dresses and priceless prose.
While I continue to finish a bachelor of comms and media, I find myself less sure of what I want to be than the wide eyed, curly haired girl that just wanted to be an artist or a filmmaker. I’m clinging on to the title of creator, to simply cover all bases. A jack of all (creative and underpaid) trades, master of none.
As a Rory Gilmore wannabe idealising the ivy league was a part of my youth and in 2018 I thought UOW was my Yale.
Being a creative, being slammed for higher education is something I’m well acquainted with - “university student” sounds good until the next question is “what degree are you studying?” It is here where the general responses end with a sigh and a “well what are going to become with that?” eyes dart around the room as I still struggle to find an answer; instead opting to list the variety of careers I could but still don’t know which, I want to pursue:
Visual Artist
- Graphic designer 
- Journalist 
- Film maker 
- Music maker
And so it goes. Another year, another attempt at finding direction and the answer to everyone’s favourite question: “what do you want to be when you grow up?”
Creative and innovative.

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